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Les Patriotes de 1837@1838 - Berkeley, George Cranfield (1753-1818)
Berkeley, George Cranfield (1753-1818)
Article diffusé depuis le 19-jan-02

Entered the navy, 1766; companied Cook in survey of coast of Newfoundland and Gulf of St. Lawrence, 1766-1769; and was on the Victory at Ushant, 1778. In 1786 surveyor-general of ordnance, 1786; and vice-admiral on the Halifax station, 1805- 1807, during which time occurred the affair between the Chesapeake and the Leopard. Bib.: Dict. Nat. Biog.

Tiré de Burpee, Lawrence J., Encyclopedia of Canadian History, Makers of Canada Series, vol 12, 1927.


Recherche parmi 16 491 individus impliqués dans les rébellions de 1837-1838.


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