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Les Patriotes de 1837@1838 - Argyll, John Douglas Sutherland Campbell, ninth Duke of (1845-1914)
Argyll, John Douglas Sutherland Campbell, ninth Duke of (1845-1914)
Article diffusé depuis le 19-jan-02

Married H. R. H. Princess Louise, 1871; succeeded to dukedom, 1900. Represented Argyllshire in Parliament, 1868-1878. Governor-general of Canada (as Marquis of Lorne), 1878-1883. Founded Royal Society of Canada, 1881. His tenure of office was marked by such notable events in Canadian history as the adoption of the National Policy, the turning of the first sod of the Canadian Pacific Railway, and the organization of the North-West into Provisional Districts. Bib.: Works: Memories of Canada and Scotand; Imperial Federation; Canadian Pictures; Passages from the Past. For biography see Dent, Can. Por.; Who's Who; Collins Canada under the Administration of Lord Lorne. Armour, John Douglas (1830 1903)

Tiré de Burpee, Lawrence J., Encyclopedia of Canadian History, Makers of Canada Series, vol 12, 1927.


Recherche parmi 16 491 individus impliqués dans les rébellions de 1837-1838.


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