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Les Patriotes de 1837@1838 - Archibald, Sir Adams George (1814-1892)
Archibald, Sir Adams George (1814-1892)
Article diffusé depuis le 19-jan-02

Educated at Pictou Academy. Studied law; in 1838 called to the bar of Prince Edward Island; and to that of Nova Scotia in 1839. Elected to thc Nova Scotia Assembly for Colchester, 1851. Solicitor-general of Nova Scotia, 1856; attorney-general, 1860-1863. Delegate to the various Conferences leading up to Confederation. Became secretary of state for the provinces in the first Dominion ministry, 1867. Lieutenant-governor of Manitoba, 1870-1872; and of Nova Scotia, 1873-1883. Knighted, 1885. Bib.: Expulsion of Acadians (N.S. Hist. Soc., vol. 5). For biog., see Dent, Can. Por. Rose, Cyc. Can. Biog.

Tiré de Burpee, Lawrence J., Encyclopedia of Canadian History, Makers of Canada Series, vol 12, 1927.


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