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Les Patriotes de 1837@1838 - Lettre de John Ryerson à Egerton Ryerson (Toronto, 13 avril 1838)
Lettre de John Ryerson à Egerton Ryerson (Toronto, 13 avril 1838)
Article diffusé depuis le 20 mai 2000

This afternoon Lount's friends applied to the Governer for his body, but the Governer declined granting it. I am told his Excellency's reasons were the apprehensions he entertained relative to the effect it might produce in the country, were the body allowed to be taken out in the country and publicly intered. I suppose Matthews friends have applied also, but of course with the same result. Lount's daughter, a young woman, was present when her father was condemned; it had such an effect on her that she went home and died directly. O!! these are melancholy times.

["The Arthurs Papers. Being the Papers Mainly Confidential, Private, and Demi-Official of Sir George Arthur, K. C. H., Last Lieutenant-Governor of Upper Canada in the Manuscript Collection of the Toronto Public Libraries", Ed. by Charles R. Sanderson. Toronto Public Libraries and University of Toronto Press, 1943,1947.]


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