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205 articles pour HAUT-CANADA


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 Baffin, William
Born in London about 1584. Made a voyage of discovery to Greenland in 1612. Three years later sailed as pilot of the Discovery in search of the North-West Passage, traced the coast of Hudson Strait and the western side of Fox Channel as fa...
Type : HAUT-CANADA Date: 19 jan 02 Pop : 1758 visites Taille: 7 Kb Image: Non
 Lettre de Ofifnjbi Hijnofz à Sir George Arthur, Lieutenant-Gouverneur du HAUT-CANADA (Toronto, 9 mai 1838)
Information having been received that some Noble Patriot has made a glorious assa[u]lt uppon [sic] the Ignoble person of Sir George Arthur the Governor of Upper Canada with no other loss than that of the life of the latter, (It is to be fea...
Type : HAUT-CANADA Date: 20 mai 2000 Pop : 1753 visites Taille: 8 Kb Image: Non
 W.L. Mackenzie, dans le Caroline Almanac (Rochester, 1839)
April 12. 1838, Messrs. LOUNT and MATTHEWS, two of the bravest of the Canada patriots, were executed this day, by order of Sir George Arthur, and at the urgent request of Chief Justice Robinson; Hagerman the Attorney General; and Sullivan, ...
Type : HAUT-CANADA Date: 20 mai 2000 Pop : 1745 visites Taille: 19 Kb Image: Non
 Black, John (1818 - 1882)
Born in Scotland. Emigrated to America with his parents and studied for a time at Delaware Academy at Delhi, New York. Came to Canada and completed his theological course at Knox College, Toronto. Ordained to the ministry of the Presbyte...
Type : HAUT-CANADA Date: 19 jan 02 Pop : 1742 visites Taille: 5 Kb Image: Non
 Bell, Alexander Graham- (1847-1922)
Born in Edinburgh, Scotland. Educated at Edinburgh University and London University; came to Canada in 1870. Professor of physiology in Boston University, 1872. Patented his invention of the telephone, 1876; and also invented the photophon...
Type : HAUT-CANADA Date: 19 jan 02 Pop : 1733 visites Taille: 6 Kb Image: Non
 Allen, Ethan (1737 - 1789)
A resourseful but not over scrupulous Vermonter, leader of a guerilla corps, the Green Mountain Boys. Captured Ticonderoga and Crown Point, May 1775, and seized St Johns. In September he made a demonstration against Montreal, was captured...
Type : HAUT-CANADA Date: 19 jan 02 Pop : 1731 visites Taille: 6 Kb Image: Non
 James Buchanan (b in Cove Gap, Franklin, Pennsylvania 23 Apr 1791, d near Lancaster, Pennsylvania 1 Jun 1868)
Elected five times to the House of Representatives; then, after an interlude as Minister to Russia (1832), served for a decade in the Senate. He became Polk's Secretary of State and Pierce's Minister to Great Britain. The fifteenth Preside...
Type : HAUT-CANADA Date: 20 mai 2000 Pop : 1730 visites Taille: 2 Kb Image: Non
 Family Compact: Henry Jones, cousin to C. Jones and J. Jones, Postmaster at Brockville

Type : HAUT-CANADA Date: 20 mai 2000 Pop : 1730 visites Taille: Kb Image: Non
 Family Compact: John Elmsley, son-in-law to L. P. Sherwood
Member of the Legislative Council, Director of Bank of U. C., Justice of the Peace, etc. "A wrong headed man but brave as a lion, and devotedly attached to all that is British...
Type : HAUT-CANADA Date: 20 mai 2000 Pop : 1723 visites Taille: 1 Kb Image: Non
 Billings, Elkanah (1820-1876)
Born in township of Gloucester, Ontario. Studied law, called to the bar, 1845, and practised in Ottawa. Appointed paleontologist of the Geological Survey of Canada, 1856, and in the same year established the Canadian Naturalist....Ti...
Type : HAUT-CANADA Date: 19 jan 02 Pop : 1721 visites Taille: 3 Kb Image: Non

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