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205 articles pour HAUT-CANADA


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 Biencourt de Poutrincourt, Jean de, Baron de Saint Just (1557-1615)
Had won distinction as a soldier in the service of France; and in 1604 sailed with De Monts and Champlain to Acadia. Was so charmed with Port Royal that he determined to make it his home. De Monts made him a grant of the lands about Annapo...
Type : HAUT-CANADA Date: 19 jan 02 Pop : 1 visites Taille: 10 Kb Image: Non
 Billopp, Christopher (1737-1827)
Commanded a corps of Loyalists in the American Revolution, raised in the vicinity of New York. His extensive property was confiscated. Lord Howe met Franklin, Adams and Rutledge, a Committee of Congress, at Billopp House, in an attempt t...
Type : HAUT-CANADA Date: 19 jan 02 Pop : 1 visites Taille: 5 Kb Image: Non
 Blake, Edward (1833-1912)
Born in Adelaide, Ontario. Educated at Upper Canada College and University of Toronto. Called to the bar of Ontario, 1859, and became its acknowledged leader. From 1867 to 1872 a member of the Legislative Assembly of Ontario; and premier,...
Type : HAUT-CANADA Date: 19 jan 02 Pop : 1 visites Taille: 3 Kb Image: Non
 Campbell, Stewart
Leader ofthe Anti-Confederation party in Novia Scotia. Elected to the House of Commons for Guysborough in 1867. Afterward supported Confederation....Tiré de Burpee, Lawrence J.,  Encyclopedia of Canadian History , Makers of Canada...
Type : HAUT-CANADA Date: 19 jan 02 Pop : 1 visites Taille: 2 Kb Image: Non
 Robinson Sir John Beverley (1791 - 1863)
Son of Christopher Robinson (q.v.) Educated at Dr. Strachan's school in Kingston; studied law and became acting attorney general in 1812, before he had been called to the bar. Played a distinguished part as a volunteer during the war of 18...
Type : HAUT-CANADA Date: 19 jan 02 Pop : 1 visites Taille: 7 Kb Image: Non

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