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205 articles pour HAUT-CANADA


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 Minute du Conseil Exécutif du HAUT-CANADA (31 mars, 1838)
...[The Honorable The Chief Justice being in attendance was called in, and His Excellency having communicated to him the Documents above enumerated, was pleased to request his Opinion as to the necessity of Capital punishments for High Trea...
Type : HAUT-CANADA Date: 20 mai 2000 Pop : 2556 visites Taille: 31 Kb Image: Non
 Abercromby, James (1706-1781)
Entered the Army and obtained commission as Major 1742; Lieutenant-colonel 1744; colonel 1746. Sent to America with the 50th Regiment 1756, superseded Shirley and Webb in command of the Army; and then resigned command to Lord Loudoun. In 1...
Type : HAUT-CANADA Date: 19 jan 02 Pop : 2505 visites Taille: 7 Kb Image: Non
 Abbott, Joseph (1789-1863)
Born and educated in England. Came to Canada 1818, Missionary of the Church of England. Wrote ""The Emigrant"" containing information about Canada for farmers. Tiré de Burpee, Lawrence J.,  Encyclopedia of Canadian History , Makers ...
Type : HAUT-CANADA Date: 19 jan 02 Pop : 2468 visites Taille: 2 Kb Image: Non
 Leader réformiste: Samuel Lount (1791-1838)
Lount, and blacksmith and farmer, was a member of a Quaker sect called the Children of Peace. The Quaker's were strictly pacifist group of Christians noted for their fair dealings with the First Nations and their strong stand against slaver...
Type : HAUT-CANADA Date: 20 mai 2000 Pop : 2467 visites Taille: 17 Kb Image: Non
 Bois Hebert, Louis Henri Deschamps, Sieur te (1679-1736)
Married the daughter of Ramezay, governor of Montreal. In command at Detroit, 1730. and later placed in charge of Indian affairs throughout Canada. Charles Deschamps de Bois Hebert, born 1727, was governor of Louisbourg, 1758, and served th...
Type : HAUT-CANADA Date: 19 jan 02 Pop : 2401 visites Taille: 4 Kb Image: Non
 Blake, William Hume (1809-1870)
Born in Ireland. Educated at Trinity College, Dublin, and emigrated to Canada in his youth. During the Rebellion of 1837, paymaster of the Royal Foresters. Called to the bar of Upper Canada, 1838. A member of the Legislative Assembly for...
Type : HAUT-CANADA Date: 19 jan 02 Pop : 2384 visites Taille: 8 Kb Image: Non
 Aillon, Father de la Roch d'
Recollet missionary. Acted as interpreter between Champlain and Kirk. Negotiation carried on in Latin. Returned to France 1629....Tiré de Burpee, Lawrence J.,  Encyclopedia of Canadian History , Makers of Canada Series, vol 12, 19...
Type : HAUT-CANADA Date: 19 jan 02 Pop : 2341 visites Taille: 2 Kb Image: Non
 Lettre de James Buchanan à Sir George Arthur, Lieutenant-Gouverneur du Haut-Canda (10 mars 1838) marquée "private Confidential
I question whether my Loyalty would lead me to take this liberty, yet did I regard British interests more than my private interests, I would run the risk, of speaking openly for where are [sic] your Excellency to look but to those deeply in...
Type : HAUT-CANADA Date: 20 mai 2000 Pop : 2322 visites Taille: 22 Kb Image: Non
 Family Compact: Henry John Boulton (b. 1790; d. 1870)
second son of D'Arcy Boulton. He was appointed solicitor general for Upper Canada in 1818 and attorney general, 1829-1833. A member of the Legislative Assembly, 1830-1834, 1841-1844 and 1846-1856. He was a director of the Bank of U. C., 182...
Type : HAUT-CANADA Date: 20 mai 2000 Pop : 2293 visites Taille: 3 Kb Image: Non
 Beauharnois, Francois de (1665-1746)
Born in France. Became intendant of New France in 1702 and held the position until 1705. In 1707 granted the barony of Beauville. Appointed intendant de l'armee navale, 1706; intendant of marines, 1710; intendant generale des armees navales...
Type : HAUT-CANADA Date: 19 jan 02 Pop : 2261 visites Taille: 4 Kb Image: Non

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